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I finally have enough small scale pieces to sell! (4 X 6.5) Wooooo... For someone as un-buisnessy as me however, selling is a lot harder than it sounds!

What I found throughout this weekend process is that:

1) I really like my art. To me it exemplifies every moment and experience I have felt dancing my butt of at festivals and shows these past couple years! Hopefully someday someone will share those feelings when looking at my art.

2) How in the world am I ever going to make money as an artist if I keep giving my art away for free. (oops)

So heres the deal, I have these and I'm selling them for $15.00 USD. If anyone would like to purchase them, just let me know. If anyone would like to critique them, please do so. If you would like a custom order, great! Criticism is always appreciated to better my body of work as an artist.

-- Support creativity in this world --

P.S. when a blacklight shines on one of these........... It's pretty neat. Magnets may be in the future!

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